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Welcome to Lundwood Medical Centre
We aim to provide services of a consistently good quality for all patients and only provide services that meet patient’s needs and wishes. We will aim to make your treatment as comfortable and convenient as possible.
The practice operates over three sites Lundwood Medical Centre, Monk Bretton Health Centre and Cudworth Health Centre. Patients can be seen at any of these surgeries.
With patients' needs at the heart of everything we do, our website has been designed to make it easy for you to gain instant access to the information you need. As well as specific practice details such as opening hours and how to register, you’ll find a wealth of useful pages covering a wide range of health issues along with links to other relevant medical organisations.
Get Well, Keep Well
Of course we’re not just here for when you are unwell. Our team of healthcare professionals and back-up staff offer a number of clinics and services to promote good health and wellbeing whatever your medical condition.
Join In
We hope you enjoy having a look around the site and familiarising yourself with some of the online features such as ordering a repeat prescription. Whatever your thoughts, be sure to let us know via our feedback function. Comments and suggestions are always a great way of helping us continue to enhance the way we look after you.
The surgery has:
- Access without steps
- Access for wheelchair users
- Toilet for wheelchair users
- Baby Changing Facilities
- Private Breast Feeding Room upon request
- Hearing Loops
- Rooms available for private and confidential meetings
We are a member practice of Barnsley Health Federation – Consortium of GP Practices comprising of 24 local practices who work together to commission local healthcare. In September 2011 the practice joined with another Barnsley GP, Dr P C Kakoty to form an over-arching partnership: KH Medical. The partner practices operate independently, information about Dr Kakoty’s practice can be found on

(Site updated 19/02/2025)
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